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Parenting: It’s Not a Sprint, It’s a Comedy Marathon!

Uncategorized May 27, 2024

Ever feel like you’re in a reality show where your kids are the judges? Well, Ohio State University has some news for you: “Ease up! Perfection is a myth!”

Trying to be the superhero of parenting is like signing up for a marathon without any training. It’s tiring, stressful, and honestly, who enjoys running that much? This “all or nothing” approach is not just unrealistic, it’s harmful to you and your little ones.

In a survey of over 700 parents (who were likely seeking refuge in the bathroom), 57% confessed to feeling burned out. That’s more than half! And here’s the twist: this burnout is linked to everything from our self-image as parents to the state of our homes. Who knew that laundry mountain could be so destructive?

And let’s discuss the impact on our kids. When they’re grappling with mental health issues, we feel the strain even more. It’s a relentless cycle of stress, stern parenting, and more stress. It’s like an endless game of tag where everyone’s “it.”

And social media? It’s like a digital “Keeping up with the Joneses.” But instead of a new car or a bigger house, it’s who has the most picturesque, gluten-free, educational family picnic.

This “culture of achievement” is leading us down a slippery slope to burnout city, where the daily special is a hefty serving of depression, anxiety, and stress. And guess what? Our kids are hitching a ride.

But there’s hope! The researchers didn’t just drop this truth bomb and leave us in the rubble. They’ve given us a roadmap out of burnout city. They’ve updated the Working Parent Burnout Scale, and they’ve got a bunch of strategies to help us connect with our kids.

These strategies are all about tuning in, flipping negative thoughts into positive ones, setting realistic expectations, and focusing on what truly matters. And remember, self-care isn’t selfish. As the airplane safety videos say, “Secure your own oxygen mask before assisting others.”

So, let’s stop aiming for perfect and start aiming for content. Let’s trade the “Parent of the Year” award for the “Parent of the Moment” award. And remember, at the end of the day, it’s not about being flawless, it’s about being present. Because the real essence of parenting is empathy.

And if you’re looking for more chuckles and less stress, check out our resources at . We’re here to support parents of kids with anxiety, one laugh at a time. Because parenting is challenging, but together, we can make it a bit more humorous.


Click on the image to download the Ohio State Uni pdf - it's pretty good. 



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