Supporting Anxious Children: Empowering Parents with Proven Strategies
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Parenting Anxious Kids

Expert Tips from a Child Psychiatrist


Why Modern Parenting is a Stressful Nightmare: The Shocking Truth About Individualism and Empathy

health humour Sep 15, 2024


So, the Surgeon General has declared parental stress an urgent public health issue. Shocking, right? Better not parent indoors or in lifts or on airplanes. Wait. Huh?

While the report does a decent job of highlighting the stressors modern parents face...I think the real culprits are: The erosion of empathy and connection, and our obsession with individuality. These factors in my humble soapbox opinion have created a perfect storm of stressors that make parenting feel like an extreme sport. Sorry've got nothing on modern parenting.

Here are those factors in succinct davin-esk paragraphs. Coz who has time to read these days?


The Rise of Individualism

You. Or is it me? Individuality. The modern world loves to celebrate it, often at the expense of communal support and empathy. Back in the day, child-rearing was a team effort. Remember the village? No; I can't either. 

Extended families and close-knit communities provided a robust support network. Fast...

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The Noodle Analogy: A Fresh Way to Support and Connect with Your Anxious Child


As parents, we often seek the best ways to support our children, especially when they feel anxious or overwhelmed. Traditional methods like the “compliment sandwich”—where criticism is sandwiched between two compliments—can sometimes feel forced and ineffective. Okay, hear me out: let’s think “noodles, not sandwiches.” This simple yet powerful analogy can transform how we encourage and bolster our children’s self-esteem and connect with them on a deeper level.

The Noodle Analogy

Imagine your child as a raw noodle—firm and crunchy, full of potential but needing the right conditions to thrive. With time, warmth, and the right ingredients, that noodle can transform into something amazing. Here’s how each core element of the noodle analogy can help you support and connect with your anxious child:

Water (Warmth)

  • Concept: Warmth represents the comforting and soothing presence you provide.
  • Application: When your child...
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Humour and parenting: Secret weapon

funny humour Aug 26, 2024

A recent study published in PLOS ONE has attempted to answer the age-old question: "Does humour have a role in parenting?" ... it seems the answer is "yes, but..."


Most respondents reckon, humour can be an effective parenting tool, with more potential benefits than harm. Many even expressed interest in a course on how to use humour in parenting. *ahem. empathy and timing are key...I wonder where one can learn more about that  


However, before we all rush off to enrol in stand-up comedy classes, we must consider a few limitations of this study. The sample size was relatively small (312 respondents) and predominantly male (63.6%) and white (76.6%). One might suggest that the researchers were studying the "dad joke" phenomenon rather than humour in parenting as a whole.


Moreover, the study relies heavily on self-reporting and retrospective assessments. Memory can be a fickle friend, especially when it comes to childhood experiences. It's possible that those...

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Meaningful Bonds for Lasting Influence


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