Supporting Anxious Children: Empowering Parents with Proven Strategies
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Parenting Anxious Kids

Expert Tips from a Child Psychiatrist


Unraveling the Knots of Childhood Anxiety: A Guide for Parents

anxiety parenting May 05, 2024

Hello there, fellow parents, caregivers, and accidental web surfers who’ve stumbled upon this blog. I’m your friendly neighborhood psychiatrist, armed with a cup of lukewarm coffee and a keyboard that’s seen better days. Today, we’re going to delve into the world of childhood anxiety. Now, don’t panic! We’re in this together.

Understanding Childhood Anxiety

Anxiety in children is a bit like a monster under the bed. It’s often invisible, but it can cause a whole lot of chaos. It’s a normal part of growing up, but when it starts interfering with day-to-day life, it becomes a disorder.

Children with anxiety disorders often have emotional outbursts, show a lot of avoidance, and might try to escape or hide. They may also experience physical symptoms like stomachaches, headaches, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, or sleep issues.

What Causes Anxiety in Children?

The main cause of childhood anxiety is as elusive as my coffee mug on a...

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Navigating the Anxiety Wave: What parents Can do

anxiety Apr 29, 2024

Navigating the Anxiety Wave: 9.4% of Children Experience Anxiety, Here’s What Parents Can Do

Anxiety is a common issue among children, with approximately 9.4% of children aged 3-17 years experiencing diagnosed anxiety1[6]. This number has been on the rise, increasing 27% from 2016 to 20192[7]. As parents, understanding and addressing this issue is crucial for our children’s wellbeing. Here are some strategies that can help, inspired by resources on Huddle Wisdom21.

Understanding Anxiety

Anxiety is a normal part of life and all children will experience it at some point32. It’s when there’s too much anxiety, or it occurs too often, that it becomes uncomfortable32. Anxiety can present as fear or worry, but can also make children irritable and angry1[6]. Some anxious children keep their worries to themselves, so the symptoms can be missed1[6].

Strategies for Managing Anxiety

  1. Open Communication: Maintain an open dialog with your child and encourage them to...

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Navigating the Anxiety Wave: A Compassionate Approach to Parenting

anxiety compassion Apr 21, 2024

Navigating the Anxiety Wave: A Compassionate Approach to Parenting

In the whirlwind of our modern, hyper-connected lives, we often find our children grappling with anxiety. As parents, educators, and members of society, we may unintentionally contribute to this growing concern. Let’s delve into this issue and discuss how we can shift the tide.

From Self-Growth to External Achievements

Think back to our own childhood. Our aspirations were centered around personal development, learning, and self-enhancement. We strived to evolve into better versions of ourselves. However, over time, the focus shifted. We began to pursue external indicators of success such as wealth, social media validation, accolades, and academic accomplishments. These became our benchmarks, which we inadvertently passed on to our children.

The Ever-Changing Goalposts

Today’s children are navigating a sea of ever-changing expectations. They are expected to excel acadically, engage in numerous...

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Checklists: A Pilot’s Secret Weapon and a Parent’s Best Friend

Have you ever marveled at how pilots manage to fly complex aircraft safely? The secret lies in a deceptively simple tool: checklists!

In the world of aviation, checklists are more than just a mundane list of tasks. They are a critical lifeline that pilots rely on to ensure they don’t miss any crucial steps and that all systems function flawlessly. By following a systematic order, checklists make the process logical and prevent any steps from slipping through the cracks or being incorrectly set. But here’s the exciting part: this methodical approach isn’t exclusive to flying airplanes—it’s a strategy we can seamlessly integrate into our daily lives, especially as parents.

Checklists for Parents: A Low-Cost, High-Reward Solution

Just like pilots, we parents have an intricate and vital job to perform. Our responsibilities range from managing household chores to nurturing our children’s growth and well-being. Amidst the chaos of parenting, we can...

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Managing Life's Ups and Downs : A Therapist's Perspective


During a recent session with one of my patients (he's 8), our conversation took an unexpected turn. We delved into how they, like many others, struggle with mood and anxiety in their daily lives. Sometimes, it can feel like everything is out of our control, and that life is just a series of ups and downs. But it's important to remember that we have the power to control our thoughts and perceptions.

While we can't change the reality of what happens in our lives, we can change how we interpret and respond to it. It's easy to get caught up in our emotions, but by slowing down our thought processes, we can better understand and manage our feelings. This can lead to a greater sense of control and peace of mind.

So let's take a step back and remember – even if it's just for a moment – that life's challenges are like poos and wees; they may not always be pleasant, but we can learn to cope and move forward.

 Watch these videos here if you want to learn how to...

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