Supporting Anxious Children: Empowering Carers/Parents with Proven Strategies

Helping Anxious Kids Thrive

Expert Tips from a Child Psychiatrist


The One Thing Doctors Won't Tell You About Managing Anxiety in Children!

empathy Oct 09, 2024

As a parent, you've probably heard the usual advice for helping anxious kids—therapy, medication, lifestyle changes.

But there's a powerful technique that often gets overlooked: empathic connection.


Why Connecting Emotionally Works Wonders


Building a genuine emotional bond with your anxious child can be transformative. Here’s why it’s so effective:


1. Trust Creation: Empathic connection builds trust, encouraging kids to open up about their fears. According to Dr. Brene Brown, "Trust is built in very small moments."

2. Reducing Isolation: Empathy helps children feel less alone in their struggles. Knowing someone genuinely understands their feelings can be incredibly comforting and alleviating. As Dr. Daniel Siegel puts it, “Empathy is the antidote to shame.”

3. Emotional Regulation: By validating their emotions, you teach your child how to manage their feelings more effectively. This validation helps them understand and control their...

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Why Your Kids Are More Anxious Than Ever (And How to Fix It!)

anxiety religion Oct 07, 2024

I know why kids are struggling more than ever with anxiety. Is it arrogance to say such things? Maybe... but hear me out.


Punch line first.


It's our modern world—a mix of digital overload, academic pressure, and societal expectations. But there's good news.


Elaboration now.


I think I know the answer. [Insert Hubris Here].


The Shifting Sands of Religion


First, let's talk about the decline of traditional religion. Before you get excited, I'm not saying this is the reason why we're not doing well. This shift isn't inherently good or bad; in my view, the decline is simply a reflection of the times. A function of detachable attachment. What? Stick with me.


With globalisation, scientific advancements, and a cultural move towards individualism, many young people are stepping away from organised religion. I think young people are less sticky these days. 


So, where are kids finding their sense of purpose these days? Let's...

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Unlock the Secret to Managing Meltdowns: Why a System Beats 1,000 Techniques Every Time!

meltdowns systems Sep 29, 2024

 Why You Need a System, Not Just Techniques, to Manage Meltdowns

Parenting is a journey filled with countless challenges, and one of the most daunting is managing emotional meltdowns. As a parent, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of techniques and strategies available. But here’s the truth: you can’t simply learn a thousand techniques and expect to succeed. You’ll get confused, frustrated, and ultimately, you’ll find that these isolated tactics don’t work. What you need is a system—a consistent, repeatable approach that you can apply to reduce the frequency and intensity of meltdowns.

The Problem with a Thousand Techniques

Imagine trying to learn Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) by memorising a thousand different moves without understanding the principles behind them. You’d be lost on the mat, unable to apply the right technique at the right time. The same goes for parenting. When you’re faced with a meltdown,...

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A Simple Method for Dealing with Anxiety and Emotional Upheaval

anxiety Sep 24, 2024

Anxiety in children is more common than many of us realise.


According to the CDC, about 9.4% of children aged 3-17 years have been diagnosed with anxiety. That's roughly 5.8 million children in the U.S. alone. Comorbidity: About 37.9% of children with anxiety also have behaviour problems, and 32.3% also have depression


If you're a parent, these numbers might feel overwhelming, but understanding and managing your child's anxiety can make a significant difference.


Here are the steps to one systematic approach that I've 'designed':




Step 1: Track Anxiety Episodes

The first step in managing anxiety is to track it. Creating a log to record anxiety episodes can help you identify patterns and triggers. Here's what to include in your log:

- Date and Time: When did the episode occur?

- Location: Where was your child?

- Who was present: Who else was there?

- Situation/Context: What was happening?

- Intensity: Rate the episode (mild,...

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18 Magic Questions That Unlock Your Anxious Child's Hidden Feelings

Uncategorized Sep 19, 2024

As promised; here are the questions from EP106 of the Parenting with Huddle Wisdom Podcast


1. Questions to Explore the Origins of Anxiety:
a. "When did you first notice feeling worried or anxious?"
b. "Can you remember a time when you didn't feel anxious? What was different then?"
c. "Has anything changed recently in your life that might be making you feel more worried?"

2. Questions to Understand Physical Sensations:
a. "When you feel anxious, what does it feel like in your body?"
b. "Where in your body do you feel the anxiety the most?"
c. "If your anxiety had a color or shape, what would it look like?"

3. Questions to Identify Triggers:
a. "What kinds of situations make you feel the most anxious?"
b. "Is there a particular time of day when you tend to feel more anxious?"
c. "Do you notice any thoughts that pop into your head when you start feeling anxious?"

4. Questions to Explore Coping Mechanisms:
a. "What helps you feel better when you're feeling anxious?"
b. "Is there...

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Why Modern Parenting is a Stressful Nightmare: The Shocking Truth About Individualism and Empathy

health humour Sep 15, 2024


So, the Surgeon General has declared parental stress an urgent public health issue. Shocking, right? Better not parent indoors or in lifts or on airplanes. Wait. Huh?

While the report does a decent job of highlighting the stressors modern parents face...I think the real culprits are: The erosion of empathy and connection, and our obsession with individuality. These factors in my humble soapbox opinion have created a perfect storm of stressors that make parenting feel like an extreme sport. Sorry've got nothing on modern parenting.

Here are those factors in succinct davin-esk paragraphs. Coz who has time to read these days?


The Rise of Individualism

You. Or is it me? Individuality. The modern world loves to celebrate it, often at the expense of communal support and empathy. Back in the day, child-rearing was a team effort. Remember the village? No; I can't either. 

Extended families and close-knit communities provided a robust support network. Fast...

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Why 1 in 5 Kids Are Anxious: The Shocking Truth Every Parent Needs to Know!

anxiety tips Sep 12, 2024

Did you know that anxiety among children has nearly doubled in recent years? According to a meta-analysis, 20.5% of youth worldwide now struggle with anxiety symptoms. That’s 1 in 5 kids! Today, I want to share some practical strategies to help your child understand and articulate their feelings of anxiety, especially if they are hard to engage.


Let’s start with a real-life example. Recently, I took a risk with a 15-year-old gamer who played video games for about 7 hours a day and only spent 2 hours on school work. Instead of confronting him about his school work, I asked, “Why aren’t you playing more video games?” I know, I know how that sounds, but bear with me. This unexpected question disarmed him and opened the door for a more meaningful conversation. Why I did this, I find hard to explain. I took a risk. I don’t recommend that unless you are able to connect with someone and empathise (Will Graham style)





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The Noodle Analogy: A Fresh Way to Support and Connect with Your Anxious Child


As parents, we often seek the best ways to support our children, especially when they feel anxious or overwhelmed. Traditional methods like the “compliment sandwich”—where criticism is sandwiched between two compliments—can sometimes feel forced and ineffective. Okay, hear me out: let’s think “noodles, not sandwiches.” This simple yet powerful analogy can transform how we encourage and bolster our children’s self-esteem and connect with them on a deeper level.

The Noodle Analogy

Imagine your child as a raw noodle—firm and crunchy, full of potential but needing the right conditions to thrive. With time, warmth, and the right ingredients, that noodle can transform into something amazing. Here’s how each core element of the noodle analogy can help you support and connect with your anxious child:

Water (Warmth)

  • Concept: Warmth represents the comforting and soothing presence you provide.
  • Application: When your child...
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Why Does My Teen Hate Me? The Surprising Truth Every Parent Needs to Know!


So...It’s a typical Tuesday evening. You’ve just finished preparing dinner, and you call your teen to the table. Instead of the usual chatter, you’re met with a sullen silence. Your teen slumps into their chair, barely acknowledging your presence. You ask about their day, and the response is a curt, “Fine.” You try to engage them in conversation, but every attempt is met with eye rolls and monosyllabic answers.

Later, you remind them to finish their homework and tidy up their room. Suddenly, the calm breaks. “Why do you always nag me? I hate you!” they shout before storming off to their room, slamming the door behind them.

You’re left standing there, heart aching and mind racing. What just happened? Why does your teen seem to hate you?

If this scenario sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Many parents experience these challenging moments with their teens. But before you take it personally, it’s important to...

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Say Goodbye to Whining: The Ultimate Guide for Frustrated Parents

whining Aug 28, 2024


Whining: Understanding and Managing This Common Challenge

Whining is a behavior that can test the patience of even the most composed parents. From toddlers demanding toys to teenagers negotiating curfews, this persistent issue can strain family dynamics. According to a survey by BabyCenter, 67% of parents find whining to be the most frustrating behavior in their children. Understanding the root causes of whining and implementing effective strategies is crucial for fostering a harmonious home environment.

The Psychology Behind Whining

  1. Reinforcement Through Response Children quickly learn that whining garners attention, even if it’s negative. Research published in the Journal of Applied Behaviour Analysis found that parental attention, regardless of its nature, can reinforce whining behavior in 85% of cases. When parents consistently yield to demands or respond to whining, they inadvertently teach their children that this tactic is effective.

    Real-life example: The...

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